The Doctor
2020-10-04 21:50:06 UTC
At lat, a stray young felame cat brought her litter to safety, on mostly white
and a grey tabby with curls. Both kittens are 1 motnh old. The mother brought
them to our place for safety! The mother is allowing us the play with the
kittens. This young mother cat is a bit timid approaching us at times.
How do we err on the side of caution to help out
this family. Also our 2 male cats show not signs of jealousy so far.
and a grey tabby with curls. Both kittens are 1 motnh old. The mother brought
them to our place for safety! The mother is allowing us the play with the
kittens. This young mother cat is a bit timid approaching us at times.
How do we err on the side of caution to help out
this family. Also our 2 male cats show not signs of jealousy so far.
Member - Liberal International This is Ici
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
BC save the Province; on 24 October 2020, vote Liberal and not NDP!
Member - Liberal International This is Ici
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
BC save the Province; on 24 October 2020, vote Liberal and not NDP!